
Ethan’s Blog

Into 2020

2020 has started a lot like 2019 ended, with lots of work. The holiday crunch was long but well worth it. I’m very happy about the “Shop small” culture growing the way it has over the past 8 years. I ended 2020 will some fun freelance from some old friends in animation. While I don’t technically need this work like I used to it’s nice to jump in when it comes to stay limber.

I’m moving forward in 2020 with a full time gig as a marketing consultant for a 501 c(3) here in Indiana. It’s a great job with some great people and affords me a lot of creativity through the day. I will be flying to Las Vegas and California over the next week for a couple other clients, but I will be anxious to return home as Paisley and I can finally afford to start finishing our old farm house.

My father and I purchased some old chemical carries from a farmer nearby and repurposed them for firewood storage.

My father and I purchased some old chemical carries from a farmer nearby and repurposed them for firewood storage.

I’m excited to share some of the freelance animation work I’ve done over the past few months, my part in them is small and not glorious, but I welcome the rush of jumping back in the trenches with a production team. I hope to share them in the coming months.

Paisley is well, between planning this year's garden and keeping her chickens inside the pen she makes time to continue to grow “Spookish Delight”. As I write this Saturday morning she is proofing another set of patterns to begin selling. I love being able to work side by side each day.

“The Spinner’s Room”, modeled off my mother’s favorite hobby.

“The Spinner’s Room”, modeled off my mother’s favorite hobby.

My personal work has become much more personal over the past year. With work increasingly not attached to my sketchbook, I’m finding great peace in escaping with my pad and pencil each evening after dinner. It is not polished, production ready work, but it feels right to me at this time. Perhaps I will begin adding these to a book about living in the country.

Happy New Year,

Ethan Yazel